(248) 288-3600

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There’s more to a great room than a swell sofa. Browse our handsome collection of chairs, loveseats, ottomans and benches for the right companion pieces.

  • Sofas
  • Loveseats
  • Accent Chairs
  • Recliners
  • Ottomans
  • Benches

Here’s a little tip: in most homes, the sofa and one chair do all the work. Almost everyone has a favorite place to sit. The other chairs are for guests and are used far less frequently but are also visible from the sofa. Make these chairs fun and even a little silly since you’ll be looking at them during the commercials. Oh, that’s right, there are no more commercials, but you’ll still want something you enjoy looking at.

We always have a great collection of interesting and unusual chairs, love seats and sofas. Stop in soon, we’re here every day.